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5.6. User Ranks

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5.6. User Ranks

Users are labeled by so called "user ranks". Apart from a rank name, users are marked with a rank image. There are fixed defined ranks, they will be assigned optionally for a certain performance (e.g. after 900 points), for certain groups (e.g. members of the team), of for the gender. Additionally, users may have an individual title.


Users get points for activity: E.g. a created thread returns ten points, a new post five points.

Examples for User Ranks

By default the following ranks are present:

Rank name
Rank image
Administrator Administrators 0
Super Moderator Super Moderators 0
Moderator Moderators 0
Beginner Registered User 0
Trainee Registered User 300
Intermediate Registered User 900
Professional Registered User 3,000
Master Registered User 9,000
Sage Registered User 15,000

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