Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 5:42pm UTC+2

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5.1. Edit profile

5.1. Edit profile

  • Personal data:

    Here you can enter optional information about yourself, which is normally displayed within your public profile.

  • E-mail address:

    Here you can change your e-mail adress. Please remember that each address may only be used once on the board. Depending on the settings of the site you may have to re-activate your user account, in which case you will receive an e-mail.

  • Password:

    Here you can change your current password. If you do not remember your current password you may use the "recover password" function.

  • Avatar:

    Here you can select an avatar from the list, if it was set by the administrator. The other possibility is that you upload your own avatar. When you want to upload your avatar you need to check the size and file size of the avatar. There are normally limits set.

  • Signature:

    The signature will be displayed beneath each of your posts.

  • username:

    Here you can change your username. Please remember that your username has to be unique on the board. The username might only be changed once every half year. The old name will still be displayed within your profile.

  • Delete User Account:

    You can delete your user account here. Your account will be deleted within the next week.

« 5. My Profile

5.2. Settings »