Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 7:53pm UTC+2

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2.2. Login

2.2. Login

If you have successfully finished the registration process you should proceed for "Login". Please enter your selected username and password there.

Lost password

If you have entered a wrong password, you will be forwarded to a special login page. There you will find a Lost password link. Following this link you will have to enter your e-mail or username. After completing this step you will receive further instructions via e-mail. If you cannot access your e-mail account, contact an administrator of the site to ask for a helping hand.

Activate user-account

If your account has not been activated yet you will have to go to the Finish registration page. Here you can manually enter the code you have received by e-mail. If you do not have the information anymore you can request it again.

« 2.1. Registration

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