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3.6. "Who is online?"

3.6. "Who is online?"

The "Who is online?" list shows all users currently browsing the board. In sub-boards you can also see all members browsing it. On a public profile page of a user you can also see where that member is currently browsing. If this display is empty that member may browse a place that you do not have access to or - for example an internal forum for admins.

"Who is online?"-list

You can get there by clicking one of the following links:

  • "Currently X users are online"
  • "Currently X users are browsing this board" within sub-boards
  • "Currently X users are browsing the thread beside you" within threads

The list shows the following informations:

  • User name:

    The name of the user.

  • IP-address:

    Being an administrator allows you to view the members IP address.

  • User agent (browser):

    If you have the privileges for that you can see which kind of browser a user is brwosing with. The user agent string may sometimes contain information about the browser version and the operating system. Serach spiders will usually show their name as user agent.

  • Last action:

    Shows when the user was last active.

  • Location:

    Shows the current location of a user. This is similar to the "Currently browsing"-list on the members public profile page.

The "Wo is online?"-list is normally separated in members, guests and bots. Only members that want to be shown online are listed there. Administrators and usually also moderators can see all users including those who do not wish to be seen (ghosts).