Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 9:24pm UTC+2

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3.3. Post list

3.3. Post list

The thread view shows all posts of a thread, the last post normally at the end.

For each post there is the following information available:

  • Topic of the post (if entered)
  • Date of creation
  • Number of the post (permalink is also available by clicking onto the number)
  • The post itself (may include attachments, polls, and so on)
  • Notice of editing (if a post has been edited, a notice will be shown below the text)
  • Information about the author:
    • User name (links to his user profile)
    • On- Offline display shows the author's current online status
    • The thread starter is normally displayed in italics
    • User rank / User title
    • User Avatar
    • Post count
    • Contact possibilities
    • Optional information
    • Signature
    • IP address (only seen by the moderators)


  • Reply:

    You will find a button to create a reply above and below the posts.

  • Edit post:

    You can edit your post after creation, therefore you just click the button. The administrator might have set a time limit for editing posts.

  • Report post:

    You can report a post if it contains content which is breaking the law or the board rules. The administrator or a moderator will be informed and might alter or delete that post then.

  • Quote post:

    You can quote a post that was written by an other member. There are several ways to do so:

    • Quote directly:

      The complete post will be quoted if you double click the quote button or select the quote directly entry in the quote menu.

    • Mark to quote:

      If you want to quote multiple complete post you can select those posts first with the quote menu.

    • Quote a part of a post:

      You can mark a part of a post and choose to directly quote it in the quote menu. Note that headlines cannot be quoted!

    • Quote multiple parts of text:

      For more detailed quoting, you may want to quote only specific parts of one or several posts. You can achieve that by marking text parts with your mouse and select them for quoting in the quote menu one after another (only within one thread). The selected text parts will be saved for your next reply. You can see a quote count in the buttons of the posts you have taken your quotes from and a sum of the selected quotes in the reply button. Note that headlines cannot be quoted!

Moderative functions


Beneath the posts you will find related topics if available and some statistic information about the post.

« 3.2. Thread list

3.4. Post add »