Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 7:30pm UTC+2

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3.4. Post add

3.4. Post add

You will see the following options creating a new post depending to your user rights:

  • Delete post:

    If you edit a post you will have the possibility to delete this post. Depending on the current settings, it will be first moved to recycle bin.

  • Status:

    Depending on your user-rights you can sticky or announce a thread (can only be done on the first post of a new thread).

  • Post-options:

    Here you need to enter the topic. If there are multiple languages in use and you have selected more then one you will also get the possibility to select the language your post is written in. You maybe have or want to select a prefix too (only on the first post).

  • Post:

    You can enter your message in two modes, one will display the post as it will look like (as known of word-processors) - the other will display the raw BBCodes. On some browsers there might only be the BBCode view available.

Font [font='Name of the Font']Text[/font]
Font size [size=Size of the font in pt]Text[/size]
Bold [b]Text[b]
Italic [i]Text[i]
Underline [u]Text[u]
Align [align=left|center|right|justify]Text[/align]
List [list][*]Text 1[*]Text 2[/list]
Numbered list [list=1][*]Text 1[*]Text 2[/list]
Colour [color=color]Text[/color]
Quote [quote='Author',URL of original post]Text[/quote]
Code [code=Starting value of line numbers]Code[/code]
Weblink [url=URL]Name of the URL[/url]
Image [img]URL of the image[/img]
Attachment [attach]ID of the attachment[/attach]
  • Smileys:

    To add a smiley just click on one of them in the list below the editor. It will be inserted at the current cursor position. The other way is to enter the adequate Smiley BBCode - if you know it - directly while you type your post.

  • Options:

    Here you have some additional options for your post.

    • Convert links (URLs) automatically: This converts each link automatically so that it can be clicked.
    • Activate smileys.
    • Activate HTML.
    • Activate BBCodes.
    • Activate your signature in this post. Should the signature that you set in your profile be shown in this post?
    • Subscribe: Do you want to be informed about new posts in this thread?
    • Close thread: The thread will be automatically closed after submitting your post.
  • You can add one or more attachments to your post, as you know it from your email client. Multiple attachments can be uploaded simultaneously. The description informs you about the allowed file types and sizes. Attachments will be shown as a list under the text of your post, but you are free to include them in yor post as well. You can do that with the buttons, which show up near each attachment, after those have been uploaded

  • Poll:

    You can add a poll to your post. Just type in a question and the possible answeres. You may allow users to change their vote and select multiple answers as well. You can also set an end time which closes the voting. Note that the overall sum of percents in a multiple choice poll may extend 100% by far!

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