Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 9:26pm UTC+2

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3.2. Thread list

3.2. Thread list

The thread list contains the threads of a selected forum. The threads may be separated into important threads or announcements and normal threads. Clicking the table head the threads can be sorted.

For each thread there is the following information available:

  • Topic of the thread
  • Status of the thread (eg. closed, read, ...)
  • Author of the thread, including the publishing date
  • Rating by the users
  • Number of replies and views
  • Author of the last reply, as well as posting time
  • Special icons if the thread holds own replies, attachments or is subscribed by you
  • Short preview of the thread when you hold the mouse over the title (it might be different depending on the browser)
  • Prefix

The following thread-status are possible:

  • Read
  • Unread:

    If you have not read a thread it will be marked with a special icon and printed in bold letters. In front of each unread topic you will find an arrow linked with the first unread post.

  • Closed:

    Threads may be closed by moderators, replies are then no longer possible.

  • Disabled:

    The administrator can set certain boards moderated, meaning that threads are marked disabled after they are created. A moderator has to enable the thread first to make it accessible by other users. Moderators will see those disabled threads marked green.

  • Deleted:

    Deleted threads will be marked red and stay visible for moderators only until they are removed completely


  • Add board to favourites:

    You can add a whole board to your favourites, you will then be informed about each new thread created within this board.

  • Mark forum as read:

    You can mark a thread as read by double-clicking the icon. Other then that you can mark the whole board as read by clicking the link beneath the thread listing.

  • Read thread:

    You can view a thread by clicking the thread-title. If the thread contains unread posts you can directly jump there by clicking the arrow in front of the thread-title. You can also jump to the last post on the thread by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.

  • Create topic:

    If you have the necessary rights, you will find a button to create a new thread above and below the thread-list.

  • Thread sorting and filter:

    If you need enhanced sorting options you will find them on the bottom of the thread list.

  • Mark thread as read:

    By double-clicking the thread-icon you can mark a thread as read.

Moderation functions

« 3.1. Board list

3.3. Post list »