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3. Forum

3. Forum

In the following part you will get a short introduction into the most important features of the board, including the list of threads and posts as well as the text editor.

3.1. Board list

The board-list shows all boards and categories that can be viewed by you. Board A board is the place where discussions take place. Each board has its own icon, which change if there are new posts. The number after the title indicates the unread...

3.2. Thread list

The thread list contains the threads of a selected forum. The threads may be separated into important threads or announcements and normal threads. Clicking the table head the threads can be sorted. For each thread there is the following...

3.3. Post list

The thread view shows all posts of a thread, the last post normally at the end. For each post there is the following information available: Topic of the post (if entered) Date of creation Number of the post (permalink is also available by...

3.4. Post add

You will see the following options creating a new post depending to your user rights: Delete post: If you edit a post you will have the possibility to delete this post. Depending on the current settings, it will be first moved to recycle...

3.5. Moderation

To use the moderative functions the browser needs enabled JavaScript. You will find the descriptions within the thread- and post-listing. Select post/thread: If you are a moderator or administrator you will have the ability to select a...

3.6. "Who is online?"

The "Who is online?" list shows all users currently browsing the board. In sub-boards you can also see all members browsing it. On a public profile page of a user you can also see where that member is currently browsing. If this display...